In this blog, you can learn all about how to make the right dietary choices for your oral health. You can learn what to drink and what to eat.


Can Veneers Fix Bruxism Damage?

29 September 2016
Dentist, Blog

If you suffer from persistent and prolonged bruxism, the constant grinding may ultimately wear down your teeth, leading to problems like damage and enamel loss. From a cosmetic point of view, you may start to worry about the appearance of your teeth and may start to look for ways to make them look better. Your research may throw up veneers as an option. How effective a solution are veneers if you have bruxism.
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Is Sugar Free Gum Eroding Your Teeth?

16 September 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

If you've been looking for ways to improve your dental health, you may have started chewing sugar free gum after meals and snacks. This kind of gum helps keep your teeth and gums clean by improving your saliva flow; chewing a gum that contains xylitol can also help you manage the bacteria load in your mouth more effectively. On this basis, sugar free gum can be viewed as being tooth-friendly; however, your dentist may not totally agree if you start to show signs of enamel erosion when you have a check-up.
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Dental Tips for Kids Under Two: What to Do While Waiting for Your Child to Become Eligible for Dental Health Benefits

29 August 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

In most parts of the country, the government offers dental assistance to eligible children between the ages of two and seventeen. However, if your child is not yet two, you may be wondering what you can do to support their dental health. Here are some ideas to help: 1. Don't share cavity germs with your child. Cavities are caused by certain types of bacteria, and as an adult, if you have a cavity or several cavities, you likely have cavity-causing bacteria in your mouth.
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There’s A Crack In Your Denture: 3 Reasons Not To Reach For Household Adhesive

12 August 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Even the most seasoned denture wearer can get a case of the clumsy fingers and drop them. What can make your heart sink though is seeing a new crack in the denture once you pick it back up. As a person living paycheck to paycheck, you may be tempted to try to fix your denture yourself by using household adhesives you have in your drawers. But, before you pick up a tube of superglue, there are three important reasons why you should be picking up the phone to call your denturist instead.
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How Better Dental Health Can Boost Your Mental Health

27 July 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Did you know that maintaining your dental health can do much more than keep your teeth white and your gums healthy? It is becoming increasingly clear that good dental health can also have a positive effect on your mental health. Below are 3 ways in which oral hygiene can benefit your brain. Cognitive Function and Memory Studies have shown that people who suffer from gum disease are more likely to be affected by poor memory and cognitive function.
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About Me
Improving Oral Health through Diet: Cavity-Free Foods

All kinds of things affect your oral health including your genes, how often you brush and the food you eat. As a mum, I feel like that last one is always overlooked, and I have created a blog to address that concept. In this blog, you can learn all about how to make the right dietary choices for your oral health. You can learn what to drink, what to eat and how to make healthy snacking easy. I have included posts for busy adults as well as tips on how to help your kids make healthy choices. I hope you enjoy the ideas here and that they benefit your oral health.